Unleash your city’s cultural data
For the past six years we have been building Google Maps mashups and have learned a lot doing it. But something has changed these days with the availability of all these data APIs and with the rise of the Open Data movements all across Canada, the US and all over the world.
Six years ago the most challenging part about building any map was actually finding the data we needed. Data was caged in silos and only bits and pieces of it was made available in some format, but never the raw data itself. Today that has changed and hundreds of APIs and data feeds have popped up to give you access to the raw data itself.
On May 1st the City of Mississauga launched its Culture on the Map site and unleashed data about all things arts and cultural resources. It’s a resource for the city, its residents, visitors and tourists to learn all about the city’s culture, people and what Mississauga has to offer.
The city’s culture map is built on top of our MapCMS platform. It is a content management platform for location data such as a culture map, store locators, campus map, event listings and much more. As an administrator, the platform allows you total access to your data and provides a publishing workflow for you and your team to keep the data valid and current. The platform also allows contributors to request access to the platform so that they can help your team with new and updated content.
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